1. Hakâiki bulmayanlar merasimi din edindiler.

Those who have not found Reality have made ceremonies into religion.

2. Itlâk zevki, dîne mal olmayan ayn’ı dîn kimsenin malıdır.

The pleasure of Liberation is the possession of someone who is the essence of religion, and not possessed by religion.

3. Allah’tan konuşan çok, Allah’ı bilen yok.

There are many who speak of God, none who know Him.

4. Tasavvuf (adem) ilmidir.

Mysticism is the knowledge of non-existence.

5. Insan için kurtuluş vardır, insanlıktan ötede.

There is salvation for man beyond the human state.

6. Hep sensin, amma sen sen değilsin.

Everything is you, but you are not you.

7. Ne kadar yoksan o kadar hâkimsin, ne kadar varsan o kadar mahkûmsun.

To the extent you are not, you are dominant; to the extent you are, you are dominated.

8. Cihan kıymetlerine temel bir hatâdır: yokun var zannedilmesi.

There is a fundamental error in worldly values: the non-existent is thought existent.

9. Benî Âdem yoktur, benî İdrâk vardır.

There are no sons of Adam, there are only sons of intelligence.

10. Müşahhasta kalma, mücerrede eriş.

Do not remain in the concrete, attain the abstract.

11. Hilkat muamması (adem)’le hallolur.

The riddle of creation is solved by non-existence.

12. Bedenin cisimdir diye senedin mi var?

Have you proof positive that your body is bodily?

13. Uyanık insan çok, insanlıktan uyanmış yok.

Many are awake, but none awakened from the human state.

14. Tok beden mukayyede, aç beden mutlağa çalışır.

The satiated body strives for the limited, the hungry for the body absolute.

15. Bulduğun ile mutmain isen ne âlâ, değilsen aliyyül-âlâ.

If you are content with what you’ve found, how splendid! If not, that is the splendor of splendors!

16. Tahkik, vahdet’i vücûd değil, künh’ü vücûd yoludur.

Verification is not the road to the “oneness of being”, but to the “essence of being”.

17. Riyâzetsiz ( kaal )’i ( hâl )’e değişemezsin.

Without asceticism you cannot change mere words into revelation.

18. Tok gezdiğin gün kendini sâlik sayma.

On the day you wander satiated don’t consider yourself a seeker.

19. İnsan için mahv’dan başka rahat olmadı.

There has never been peace for man, except in extinction.

20. Mürşîd Röntgen gözlü tâlib ister : nazarı bâtın görsün.

The spiritual guide wants a seeker with x-ray eyes; whose vision might see the unseen.

21. Kudreti acizde ara Serveti fakırda ara Hayatı ölümde ara Varlığı yokta ara.

Seek strength in weakness Seek riches in poverty Seek life in death Seek existence in non-existence.

22. Riyâzât, sâliki Zât ile temasa getirir. Rehberden müstağni kılar.

Ascetism puts the seeker in touch with the Divine Essence. They make him independent of a guide.

23. Açlık enbiyâ ekmeğidir, pîrân lokmasıdır.

Hunger is the bread of the prophets, the dainty morsel of the saint.

24. Nübüvvet ucuzdur, (fena) bahalıdır.

Prophethood is cheap, extinction is costly.

25. Fakra erişmeyen çok fakirdir.

He who does not achieve poverty is poor indeed.

26. Okyanus gezen’ ırmağı neylesin, mutlağı bulan mürseli neylesin.

He who wanders the ocean, what has he to do with the river? He who reaches the absolute, what has he to do with the messenger?

27. Mestîyi ayyaş ne bilir, sekri sen küûldan sor.

What does the toper know of drunkenness? Ask the alcohol what is intoxication.

28. Âlem «keen lem yekûn» vasıflı bir zuhurdur.

The world is a manifestation whose character is “as if it had never been”.

29. Kıdem (adem)’dedir: ne ki adîmdir, o kadîmdir.

Eternity is in non-existence, to the degree something is not there, it is eternal.

30. Minnetsİz niymet (Gayb)’tır.

The Unseen is the bounty without obligation.

31. Cihan kurnazlıklarını terket ki sana ezel zekâsı verilsin.

Renounce worldly wiles that you may receive the perspicacity of the pre-eternal.

32. (Kevn)’den çıkmak en ulu keramettir.

Quitting this world is the greatest miracle.

33. Her şey maddedir, amma madde madde değildir.

Everything is matter, but matter is not matter.

34. Mevcudat tam (realite)’dir, lâkin (realite) (irreelle) ‘dir.

Verily all existing things are reality, but reality is not real.

35. Malûmat Gayb’a perdedir.

Knowledge is the veil covering the Unseen.

36. Hüznün kadrini bil, inkisarı aziz tut.

Know the value of grief, hold affliction dear.

37. Nedir suâlin odur kemâlin.

What your question is, your perfection is.

38. Doğarken gaybettin, öldükte bulursun.

What you lost in being born, you will find in dying.

39. Cihan bir emr’i gayrı vâkidir.

The world is an unfinished business.

40. Varlık yaprağını çevir, kitap hatm olur.

Turn the page of existence, and the book is finished.

41. Cisim, madde görünmüş sırf mânâdır.

The body is pure meaning that appears as matter.

42. O kadar git ki, ≪sende senlik kalmasın≫, eşyada şey’iyyet kalmasın, Allahta Ülûhiyyet kalmasın.

Go so far that “in you there is no you-ness left,” In things no thing-ness left, and in God no Godhead left.

43. Fena yolunda sana mubahı haram ederler, bakaada muhali mümkün kılmak için.

On the road to self-extinction, they will deny you the permissible to make possible the impossible in the World to Come.

44. Hakikî hayâtı ölümde bulursun.

You will find the true life in death.

45. (Suğrâ) idrâktir, (kübrâ) gaybtır: tahkik mantığında.

In the logic of verification the minor premise is perception the major premise is the unseen.

46. Gafil derin Kevin koması içindedir.

The heedless are in a deep coma that is “Creation”.

47. Cihanın yegâne zevki zevalidir.

The sole pleasure of the world is its evanescence.

48. Allah uçurumdur, sukut sevenler bulur.

God is the abyss, those who love to fall discover.

49. Cihanda bigâne ol Ledünde yegâne ol Mecliste peymâne ol.

In the world be a stranger. With the Divine Essence be as one. At the feast be the goblet.

25. Mâhiyyetlere eriş, müşküller biter.

Attain the Realities and the difficulties are over.

51. Tasavvuf bilmek değil, bitmektir.

Mysticism is not about knowing but finishing.

52. Tasavvuftur : riyâzât ile, tasavvurdur : rivâyât ile.

It is mysticism that comes with asceticism; it is imagination that comes with story-telling.

53. Kapı kapı dolaşma, muradlar sendedir.

Do not wander from door to door; what you desire is within you.

54. Müridlere bak mürsidi anla.

Look at the disciples and discern the teacher.

55. Hâriçte arama: dışarda bir şey kalmadı da sen var oldun.

Don’t search in the outside world: when nothing remains outside then you have come into Being.

56. Esma ile olmaz, fena ile olur.

Through the Beautiful Names of God you don’t succeed; with extinction you do.

57. Teselli tasavvufunu ko, tecelli tasavvufuna git.

Put aside the mysticism of consolation and go to the mysticism of manifestation.

58. Her mefhum (fena)’da başka hakikate döner.

In extinction every concept turns into a different truth.

59. «Les vingt années de Paganini».

“The twenty years of Paganini.”

60. Riyâzetsiz beden akordsuz çalgıdır.

A body without asceticism is an instrument untuned.

61. Ülûhiyyet hakikati fenada başka nâm, başka mâhiyet alir.

In extinction, the truth of what God is takes on another quality, another nature.

62. Tahkike erişen kurtuldu: bugün zulmetten, yarin kulluktan.

He who attains verification is saved, today from darkness tomorrow from slavery.

63. Hak ma’dûmen mevcûddur, Halk mevcûden ma’dûmdur.

God is Presence non-existent; Man is non-existence present. {Truth is non-existently existent, mankind is existently non-existent.}

64. «Comme le sculpteur, la douleur vous dégage du bloc.»

“Suffering, like a sculptor, chisels you from the block.”

65. Beşeriyyetin gitikçe zâtiyyetin gelir.

The more your human nature dies, the more your essential nature emerges.

66. Sevgilerin gafletlerindir.

Your loves and affections are your heedlessness.

67. Dünyâ bir negatiftir, ki imkân derler.

The world is a negative they call manifestation.

68. «L’Humain est un compromis entre l’Etre et le Non-Etre.»

“The human is a compromise between Being and Non-Being.”

69. Hakikat’ı Âdemiyye: munbasit idrâktir. Hakikat’ı Muhammediyye münkesir idrâktir.

The truth of the sons of Adam is expansive perception. The truth of the sons of Muhammed is extinguished perception.

70. Allah’i bulan her şeyi buldu.

One who has found God has found everything.

71. Göz verildi, görülmezi göresin diye. Ayak verildi, erilmeze eresin diye.

The eye was given that one might see what is unseen. The foot was given that one might reach the unreached.

72. İsti’dâd ve iştiyak pasif rabıtadır, riyazetler aktif rabıtadır. Gayrı rabıtalar vehimdir.

Aptitude and longing are the passive connections. Asceticism is the active connection. Other connections are illustions.

73. Cihan harâblıklarla payidardir.

The world and its ruins endure.

74. Evvel zaman bir karanliktir : nûrânî. Âhır zaman bir aydınlıktir : zulmânî.

The beginning of time is a darkness, radiant The ending of time is a brightness, obscure.

75. (lntrinseque) iymân arayan, dinlerin menbaina çıkar.

He who seeks the : intrinsiquity of faith reaches the source of all religions.

76. Sensiz bir âleme hiç ulaştınmi?

Have you ever reached a world without you?

77. Zikre gark ol : ne zâkir ne mezkûr kalınca. Yemek, yeme : açlık vatan, tokluk gurbet olunca.İnkisar tut: külliyen kurtulunca.

Be drowned in zikr; till neither the seeker nor the sought remains. Don’t eat, don’t eat; until hunger is your home and satiety exile. Hold affliction dear: until you are totally saved.

78. Dipsiz uçuruma düş ki sukutlardan âzâd olasın: ecrâm gibi.

Fall into the bottomless abyss that you may be free from falling like the planets.

79. Gâh ednâdan söylerler, gâh âlâdan: bize tezâd görünür.

At one time they speak from below, another time from above…it seems a contradiction to us.

80. Fecre kadar yanan kandil ol: Baka bulasın.

Be a candle burning till dawn, that you may find Permanency.

81. Fena, varlığın bittiği yerde başlar.

Extinction begins in the place where existence ends.

82. İş, vücûddan vecde gidiştir.

The work is the transition from being to ecstasy.

83. Rehber deniz feneridir: hedef değildir, işiğini da gizlemez.

The spiritual guide is the light-house; he is not the destination; neither does he hide his light.

84. Dünyâ serâbdır, zehirli: ibâdâttır panzehri.

The world is a poisonous mirage: its’ worship that is the antidote.

85. Hakikî mürşid ilm’i zâtı’i ilâhîdir.

The true spiritual guide is the essential knowledge of the divine.

86. Allah mecburu altın yapraktır : ezilir dağılmaz.,

One compelled by god is as gold leaf: crushed but not broken.

87. Ey Şems’i Tebriz : ne güneş imişsin ki bir nurun cihana Mevlâ oldu.

O Shemsi Tebriz! What a sun you must have been that a single ray of your light became Master of the world.

88. Edyânı ko, Deyyânı bul.

Put aside the religious laws and find the Lawmaker.

89. Tahkik yolu geçer: gâh ibâdâttan, gâh hârâbattan.

Supreme Judge. The path of vendication passes sometimes through the tranquilities of the mosque and sometimes through the tavern of wine.

90. Sen ölmeden gönlün dirilmez.

Your heart cannot come to life before you die.

91. Envâr esrardan mahrum kılar.

Lights deprive one of the mysteries.

92. Bir güneş batar, bin güneş doğar: zahir akşaminda, bâtınlar fecrinde.

One sun sets, a thousand suns rise: in the evening of things visible, in the dawn of things hidden.

93. Kerâmât ile hayran mi edersin, yoksa aşk ile mestân mı edersin ?

Do miracles astonish you, or does love intoxicate you?

94. llm’i mâduma (kodeks) olmaz.

For knowledge of the nonexistent, there is no codex.

95. Ülûhiyyete siğmamiş bir Allah ara.

Seek a God not restricted to the Godhead.

96. Ruh’u hayvani: cemâdin ötesi, Ruh’u izafî: cismin ötesi, Ruh’u mutlak: vücûdiyyât ötesi.

The animal Spirit is beyond the inorganic; The relative Spirit is beyond the body; The absolute Spirit is beyond all existences.

97. Bulduğun mânidir, henüz bulmadiğina.

What you have found is the obstacle to what you have not yet found.

98. Kâinat bi illettir, bi gayedir.

Creation is without rhyme or reason.

99. Mürşid âyinedir: kadrini dilber bilir.

The spiritual guide is a mirror, whose value the beloved understands.

100. Mâdûmun mûcidi ne demek?

“The inventor of the non-existent.” What does this mean?

101. Mukaddesât ademiyâttir.

Things holy are things non-existent.

102. Seni senden öteye götürmektir, rehberin işi.

The task of the spiritual guide is to take you beyond you.

103. (Nirvana) bir peyâledir, sakisi yok.

Nirvana is a sip of wine needing no cupbearer.

104. Açlık ölüyü diriltir, tokluk diriyi öldürür.

Hunger resurrects the dead, satiety kills the living.

105. Şeytan besmelede gizlendi.

Satan has concealed himself in the “Bismillah”.

106. Ne aradın da İslâm’da bulmadin?

What have you sought in Islam and not found?106

107. Aşk mecazîdir, eşhas arasında ve kul ile Rab arasında kaldıkça.

Love is metaphysical so long as it is between personalities or between Lord and slave.

108. (Zidnî) ile (Irnî) mâbeynidiri: insanligin zevki.

Mankind’s pleasure is found between “bewilder me” and “tell me what is”.

109. İdrâk, vücûb ile imkânin ittisalidir.

Perception is the link between necessity and possibility.

110. Mâhiyetlerden gafletin kadardır, ahkâmda tedbirin.

The more your heedlessness of the realities, the more your caution in judgements.

111. Gafil varlıklarla, kâmil yokluklarla beslenir.

The heedless are nourished on things existent, the perfected on things non-existent.

112. Hakk avamın rabbıdır, havassın aslıdır. Havâss’ül havassin ne rabbidir, ne aslidir.

Truth is the Lord of the uninitiated, the substance of the initiated. But for the rarest of the rare Truth is neither the one nor the other.

113. Mutlak mebde’dir, her suâlin cevabi.

The Absolute is the starting point and the answer to every question.

114. Ademe ermeyen Hakka ermedi.

Who does not reach non- existence has not reached the Truth.

115. Ne vahdettir, ne kesrettir: Cem’i ma’al-fark’dır.

It is neither unity nor multiplicity: It is the simultaneous aprehension of the Aggregate of meanings.

116. «Kün» ilm’i zatîden ibarettir.

“Be” consists of knowledge of the essence.

117. Fena (zıddiyyet’i ayniyye) yapar.

Extinction resolves the contrariness of the essences.

118. Köhne şarâb muhakkik kelâmıdır.

“Words from a master are like old wine.”

119. Maksûd bestedir, güfte vesile, Murâd mestidir, kadeh bahane. Fenâ’i Tiyh’den tecelli’i Sînâ maksûd,Rûyâ’i şeeden Ken’ân i Gayb mev’ûd.

The aim is the music, words are only the pretext; the intention is intoxication, the goblet is only the vessel. The aim is the manifestation on Mt. Sinai after the annihilation in the wilderness of Tyih wilderness; the promise is the Land of the Unseen after the Dream of the desire.

120. Vâkıf isen sırra, çalışmazsın Cihanı islâha.

If you are aware of the mystery, you will not strive to reform the World.

121. Fena ehli ateşte hayat bulur, semender gibi.

The people of extinction find life in the fire, like the salamander.

122. Zikrin âlâsı, en âlâ zikrin dahi gaflet olduğunu bilmektir.

The highest zikr is to know even the highest zikr as heedlessness.

123. Nîl’e atılmayan (Kulzüm)’e hükm edemez.

He who has not been cast into the Nile cannot command the Red Sea.

124. Kâmil iki cihan mültekasıdır.

The perfect man is the meeting place of two worlds.

125. Muvahhid illâ der, muhakkik lâ der.

The monotheist says illa the master says la

126. Vücûd keynûnetindir, idrâk aynûnetindir, adem gaybubetindir.

The extent of your being is your body, the extent of your perception is your consciousness, the extent of your absence is your non-existence.

127. Mükevvenât (pour memoire) meblâğ gibidir, muhasebe’i itlâkta.

Things created serve as reminders, like sums of money in the accountancy of Absolute Liberation.

128. «Hakikî ismim nedir?»-İzzetin isimsiz olmandır.

“What is my real name?” – Your glory is your being nameless.

129. Dinleri izah edemezsin: menşeleri Gayb sirridir.

You can not explain the religions: [su_spacer size=”5″] their source is the secret of the Unseen.

130. Kadîm eser mukaddestir: «ol var idi sen yoğ iken.»

The ancient work is holy: “while you were not, it was.”

131. (Enel – Hak) tasavvuf değildir.

“I am the Truth” Is not mysticism.

132. «Marier deux humains, c’est forcer deux univers á se souffrir.»

“To marry two humans is to force two universes to suffer each other.”

133. Seni yakarsa o san’at eseridir.

If it burns you, it is a work of art.

134. Iyrâs ehli vardir, iysâr ehli vardir.

There are those who bequeth and there are those who are bestowed.

135. «L’Humain est la rive entre l’infiniment existent et l’infiniment inexistent»

“The human is the shore between the infinitely existing and the infinitely non-existing.”

136. Vukuat gayrı vâki’dir, hâdisât gayrı hadistir.

Events are non-eventful, accidents are non-accidental.

137. Dinler tasavvuftan geldi, tasavvuf dinlerden değil.

Religions came from mysticism; not mysticism from religions.

138. Ne ki sen değildir, senin ittılâınâ gelirmi?

Does that which is not you come to your knowledge?

139. Fenâ’dan alan mişkât’i Muhammed’den aldi.

He who takes from extinction has taken from the lamp-niche of the Prophet.

140. Muhakkiktir tam (realiste) olan: (illusion)’lardan kurtulmakla

It is the master of verification who becomes the true realist because he is saved from illusions.

141. Âlem muhteşem bir yalandir.

This world is a magnificent lie.

142. Yokluk vatandir, varlik gurbettir: ulu meşrebi i kimseye.

Non-existence is home, existence is exile, to someone with high spiritual disposition.

143. Itlak yolunda Allah- perestlik yoktur.

On the path of itlaq there is no idolatry of Allah.

144. Kâse’i fağfur ol: bir dokun bin dinle, kendi sinenden.

Be the porcelain bowl, that you touch once and then hear a thousand sighs, from your own breast.

145. «Qu’est-ce que la vie? Une agonie. »

“What is life? Nothing but strife.”

146. (Sevâd’ı â’zam) ulvî heyuladir, (arş’i muazzam) berzah’i kübrâdır.

The greatest presence is a sublime phantom; The mightiest throne is the greatest limbo.

147. Diyanet saadettir, siyâset felâkettir.

Piety is felicity, polity is catastrophe

148. Hilkattan murâd idrâktir.

The purpose of creation is perception.

149. Ahlak bedenî sudûrâttir: ilk adimin neyse son adımın odur.

Morals are physical emanations: whatever your first step, so your last step.

125. İçinden çıkmadıkça dünya bilinmez.

You cannot know the world until you’ve left it.

151. Fakır gibi servet olmaz, açlık gibi gıda olmaz.

There are no riches like poverty, there is no food like hunger.

152. Izâfi’yi bilemedin, mutlak’a ermeden.

You cannot have known the relative, without having reached the absolute.

153. Iktisâb mertebeleri: Taleb, tevessül, tasarruf ve istiğnadir.

The degrees of the seeker’s progress are: insistent longing, fervent petitioning (to approach God), intimate knowledge (of God), and transcendence of God.



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